Saturday, January 10, 2009

New York-Finally

It has been quite a while since I have posted. The holidays were crazy and now being back at school and taking classes I have been more busy than I had hoped. I realized that I had not posted much about New York so here it is!
*** Warning***
Lot's of pics in this post, sorry it's kind of long!
We flew in to JFK on Thursday night after a pretty uneventful time at the airport (very unusual for me) and went to our hotel right on Times Square. It was great being in such a central location, we could pretty much walk anywhere in midtown, and the train station was right next to our front door.
On friday morning we slept in and then strolled down to 5th Ave for window shopping and a stop at the greatest toy store: FAO Schwarz. We were waiting for Nate to get in since he had to work and flew in Friday morning instead of driving from Virginia with my parents and Hillory in a horrid snow storm that swept the East Coast that weekend. We met him at Grand Central Terminal.
We did a little bit of sight seeing where Nate and Hill were disappointed this bedazzled M&M leather jacket was NOT for sale. Then we headed down to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. This is one of my favorite art museum and I was sad we only got to spend a couple of hours there. Seriously, ever since I read the book "From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler" when I was in elementary school, I have wanted to live at the Met, too!

After the museum, we went to Radio City Music Hall for the Rockettes Spectacular. It was amazing and I loved seeing them in person after watching them for years in the Thanksgiving Day parade.

The next morning we went down to the Statue of Liberty and wandered around ground zero. It was freezing and we didn't want to wait in the line to take the ferry out to the Statue and Ellis Island. I took it the last time I was in New York and it's a lot different in New York in July!

After we ate some soup at the Soup Nazi restaurant, we went to look at the tree and ice skating rink at Rockerfellar Center. It was beautiful, but there was a concert going on on the ice so it was amazingly crowded and we couldn't get anywhere near the ice. Here is my mom and me in front of the tree.

On Sunday we went to the Manhattan Temple to go to church, but found the chapel was under construction so we went for brunch! Then we wandered around the other side of central park and went back to the hotel to stand in the TKTS line for broadway tickets. We finally got some to see Spamalot, (starring Clay Aiken- not a good selling point for us!) We were starving and we had some time before the show so we ate at a BBQ place called Virgils (delicious train wreck fries- steak fries smothered in cheese, scallions, bacon bits and ranch! YUMMY!) then we walked down to 34th street to see the Macy's windows and Santa Land.

We walked back up to the theater district to go to the show and stopped to take some pics in Times Square at night! (I stole some pics from Nate's blog-Thanks Nate!)

On Monday morning we went back to Rockerfellar center to see the Today Show (we were too late but we saw Kathie Lee and that other lady.) Then we went back to St. Patrick's Cathedral, and back to stroll 5th Ave. We window shopped again, and browsed the American Girl store (AMAZING!!!!!) then back to FAO Schwarz.
Hill and I wanted our picture in front of the Plaza Hotel- a favorite of ours since we first watched Big Business starring Bette Midler! It was harder than we expected!

After a quick lunch at Pop Burger, we headed over to Central Park and took a carriage ride through the park, then it was time for us to head back to the airport. It was such a fun trip and I was so excited to see Nate, Hill and Claire. I miss them so much.
New York in December is amazing, I highly recommend it!


Gifford Family said...

Looks like fun! I have only been to NY once and I was only 13! I think I need to go again! :)

Sharee said...

It looks like you had so much FUN!! I am glad that you posted so many pictures. NY is a great place, I have wanted to go back for years and take Dave. Maybe one of these days we will get there.