Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tales from 4th Grade

I had a student tell me today that he had a really good day yesterday. When I asked him what had made it so good, he told me a lady from his church had brought his family two bunnies. I told him that was great and I asked him if they had named them yet. He said, "No, we didn't name them. We ate one for dinner last night. He was really good. My dad let me and my sisters' keep the feet!" Then he told me that they were planning on eating the other one next week.

I thought Hill would appreciate this story since one of her beloved bunnies met an untimely end as well. (He was a runt and got peed on by the others then froze to death.) I hope your day was as good as mine!


Gifford Family said...

Still made me laugh the second time around.... not the peed on bunny story... but the other one :)

nate and hill said...

...I'm speechless. You know how close rabbits are to my heart....clearly these people were barbarians of some sorts.

C&C said...

sick! that's hilarious about hillory's rabbit being peed on. we have a pet bunny in our preschool class...the thing is cute but it REEKS! ugh.

Emily said...

That is so sad and disgusting. Seriously, the stories you hear. I'm dying to get Friday Night Lights Season 2. I'll have to run up sometime.

Sarah said...

Is rabbit even good to eat??? That is pretty funny! At least the kids don't seem terrorized, like most children would be, at the thought of eating a pet!

Al said...

Then there were the rabbits that got chased and eaten by the neighbors dogs - remember coming home from church on Sunday to find the carnage?