Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight Movie Night

So we went to Twilight last night. We did have fun taking pictures in front of the Ducati and talking to the self-proclaimed "Chocolate Abs". None of the other girls would be in the photo shoot with us!
My review of the movie: I liked it, I didn't love it. I don't know if I've ever seen a movie based on a book that was better. We did have a lot of fun counting the number of times the audience cheered- (9 full on clapping and screaming cheers, with a couple of other times that didn't count because it was only one or two people!)
I'm not going to lie, I think the best part of the show may have been the Harry Potter preview!


Gifford Family said...

Oh I am so sad! I was looking forward to seeing it. I have not heard much positive about the movie. I had such high hopes! By the way.... What is the plan for Tuesday? I am SO excited!

Emily said...

LOL, that was a great post. That is a cute picture of you and dixie. Glad you atleast liked the movie. And the harry potter preview.