Sunday, May 31, 2009

Memorial Day!

I was reading my friend Natalie's blog and she had a great idea to post memories of grandparents that had passed away for a memorial day post. I love the idea so here it goes!

Grandma Hawks: She always made us eat all of our dinner, since Al and Hill were picky eaters they always had to sit at the table until they finished their meal. I never had to do that. It probably shows now! She was a lunch lady and knew the secret recipe of how to make lunch lady style peanut butter bars.

Grandpa Casey: He had such a bad back that he walked practically bent in half, but he always worked out in his yard. When he wasn't in his yard he was sitting in his rocking chair. I always thought it was funny that he and my grandma had separate bedrooms.

Grandpa Carter: I loved to visit him at the grocery store he worked at because he always bought us doughnuts. We would sleep over at his house and he would tell us the story of Farmer McGregor and Peter Cottontail in bed. He also loved to sing "starkle starkle little twink, who the heck are you I think" instead of twinkle twinkle. I think I loved it the most that he didn't think damn and hell were swears and liked to combine them to say "dammit to hell!"

Grandma Hazel: She lost her husband when she was in her thirties and never remarried. She was 108 when she died (she lived in 3 centuries!) and she was always really short, like under 5 foot. I think I out grew her by the time I was in 4th grade. She had the most amazing collection of salt and pepper shakers.

I really liked remembering these special people. Sorry if the post was long and boring!

Friday, May 29, 2009

School's Out For Summer!

So it's official, I am out of school for the summer. I have a lot of time on my hands since I'm not planning on working during the summer for the first time in years. I still have 5 weeks of classes spread out through the summer but I'm looking forward to spending some quality time by the pool and spending a week in Virginia with Hill.
Summer tan here I come!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Perfect Pushup

We have been on a hiking spree these last few weeks and while we were down at the Gateway this weekend, we decided to stop in at Dick's for some supplies. While we were there we noticed these disks that rotate. The Perfect Pushup. I have never been known for my upper body strength but I did execute a perfect pushup on the floor of Dick's.
Only 29.99! I don't think I could ever do more than one, though!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm an Aunt! (again)

Congratulations to Nate, Hill, and Claire for the new addition to their family. Amelia Jane was born late Sunday night after a couple of long days in the hospital.

I loved this pic of Claire and Emme! Don't I have the cutest nieces?

Thursday, May 7, 2009


So I learned a new pharse today. When I went to pick up my kids from recess two of the nicest kids were yelling at each other. I asked them what was wrong, and Nick tells me that Daisy told him to "corndog" Isaac. I made him repeat what he said thinking I had misheard him. Nope, he totally said "corndog." I said why did you listen to her. He said she told him if he didn't "corndog" Isaac, she would "corndog" him. I had to ask what "corndogging" was and pretty much every kid in my line showed me. You basically grab onto the shoulders of the person in front of you and knee the person inbetween their cheeks.
I had to turn around to keep from giggling. Then I explained in no uncertain terms that no one in our class could tell someone else to "corndog" another person and they were not allowed to do it either, whether someone else told them to do it or not.

I still smile when I think of "corndogging" someone. Beware!! If someone behind you puts both hands on your shoulders, watch out!
P.S. 14 days!!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Called to Serve!

So after a long wait, (My dad was out of town from tuesday until Friday so when the call came on Wednesday, Jake was a trooper and waited until Friday to open it) my little brother got his mission call.
Jake will be serving in the Texas Houston South Mission, Spanish speaking. I'm so proud of Jake and I know he will be a great missionary. He leaves on July 22, which is 4 days after my brother Nick gets married. July is going to be a busy month but I can't wait!

In the video my mom says, guess what they eat there. Jake is known in our family as a really picky eater and she assured him he would be eating steak, which is one of the only things he likes!

It's Vegas Baby!

We took a quick weekend road trip to Las Vegas last weekend and had a ton of fun. Alyson was supposed to come with us, but ended up having to work at the last minute so Kelly, Carlee, and I took advantage of the nice weather!
This is us in in front of the Beliago fountains and Paris! We enjoyed frozen hot chocolate from Serendipity, (I thought they were only in New York, but apparently Vegas has everything!)
On Saturday morning we enjoyed the sun and some sight-seeing in front of this Seigfried and Roy statue.

We spent most of Saturday by the pool. I love the sun and it made me sooooo excited for summer, unfortuantely we came home to 40's and it's supposed to rain here in Northern Utah for a straight week.
We got tickets to go to Mystere, which had amazing acrobats. It was a little weird, but the tricks were amazing.
We actually went to a double feature that night and went to the late showing of Phantom of the Opera. The theater was beautiful, and although we were super tired by the time we got home we really loved both shows.

The next morning we headed back to the pool again and enjoyed the last of our weekend.

We discovered an awesome new mall on the South end of the strip called Town Square, we shopped at H & M, and found this amazing frozen yogurt place called yogurtland. It was like a salad bar for fro-yo! You loaded up your bowl then paid by the ounce. It was delicious! We went here 3 times this weekend!

So what trip through Southern Utah is complete without a stop at the giant rocking chair in Beaver? It was raining and the chair was wet so we didn't sit on it.
We had a great weekend, and it just made me that much more excited for summer.
Not that I'm counting or anything, but only 18 days of school left this year! YIPEE!