Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New York Top Three

So we made it home from New York. I don't have lots of time so I wanted to post my top three New York memories.

3. Caution signs posted in the subway station for R.O.U.S.'s (Rodents of Unusual Size)

2. The window displays. I loved the Macy's and Sak's 5th Ave. windows that were geared toward kids, but the Bergdorf windows were AMAZING! They were all themed around Sworovski crystal and they had designers make one-of-a-kind gowns featuring the crystals. This one was my favorite. You can't see the detail, but the crystals are sewn on in the shape of snowflakes.
1. But, my number one favorite memory of New York was spending time with my sisters and niece. (And my parents and Nate!) This picture was inside Macy's. You can see some of the decorations, red arches throughout. They also had a great Santa's Village and the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about Elf, especially when Hill started to ride the escalator like him!

I will post more pictures from our trip later. I'm off to our friend party tomorrow night and then to the Nutcracker on Friday. It's hectic, but I still love it!


Gifford Family said...

How beautiful! I would love to see Christmas in NY! I hope you had an awesome trip.

Emily said...

That is such a cute picture of you guys. I look forward to more pictures!

Gifford Family said...

Tag you are it.